In an advertising effect pre-test five alternative TV commercials were tested. Two of these TV commercials communicated the intended message well despite a TV-Spot length of only five seconds. Concrete optimisation advice helped to improve the effectiveness of the third commercial. The remaining two were discontinued.
The efficiency and effectiveness of the media budget used was increased by 177 percent using media placement research insights and modern media planning tools to full advantage.
The results of an independent advertising tracking survey prove that relevant target groups must have been reached far more effecticely than in previous years with identical media spending. Spontaneous advertising recall of all respondents leaped from 26 to 41 percent. In Vorwerk’s core target group an unprecedented recall of 72 percent and – even better – a purchase intention of 83 percent was achieved. – The innovative motto of effective media planning was fulfilled: “Don’t count those people that you reach, but reach those people that count.”
Methods used: Projective techniques, advertising effect test, media placement research.
T. Weber (Vorwerk Carpets), R. Mayer de Groot, T. Fritzen (Carat Media Agency): Wie Vorwerk-Teppiche zu neuen Höhen flogen, marketingjournal 9/2006